29 november, 2009
Vettind maa 2/Sodden Earth 2
Rohkem pilte näeb mu flickri lehelt (ma ei saa ikka veel aru, miks blogger ei lase mul pilte üles riputada) - pildil klõpsates sinna satubki.
Brooch of very modest colours. I used different leftovers - pieces of handfelted felts and angelinas - and stiched them together. Surfaces like fields. Then added some Tyvek on the edges and seedbeads on the top. Most I like black thread on this brooch - its looks like a sudden contrasting baste when you sit in the bus and looking throuh the window. More photos in my flickr gallery.
19 november, 2009
Vettinud maa/Sodden earth
Iseenesest need värvid, mis praegu väljas valitsevad, mulle hirmsasti meeldivad. Miljonid pruunikad - rohekad - hallikad toonid. Pastelsed ja sujuvad üleminekud. Vettinud maa värvid. Ainult päikest on puudu..
A Brooch of grey Time.
Definately I like colours of late autumn. Millions of brown, green, gray shadows. Pastelish and smooth. Colours of sodden earth. But - I still missing the sun..
03 november, 2009
Olen valmis saanud Raamist väljas raames:) Sügisonaadi Pika Noodi - meil on lõppematu sügis, sellest ka koti väljavenitatud lõige (ausalt öeldes ei kujuta ma ette kedagi selle kotiga tänaval kõndimas). Maalisin faktuursele tapeedile akrüülvärvidega "abstraktse maastiku" (tuli jälle üle aastate meelde see, kui mõnus tunne on maalida), hõõrusin vahalakiga üle, õmblesin taaskasutatud sarisiidlõngaga (sellega ma veel eputan!) triibud peale ja olin endaga üsna rahul. Voodriks valisin linase riide, tegin ka paar taskut. Lukk ka. Kõige suurem peamurdmine oli sangadega, lõpuks saagisin ühe kunagise kardinapuuna kasutusel olnud toika juppideks ja kinnitasin aasad kas mööblineetide või traadiga. Mõned fimohelmed ja paar granaathelmest ikka ka.
Here is a detail of my handbag made for Outside of Frame. I called it Note, the Long One because of our endless autumn. And because of this endlessness I made such a long form (honestly, I cant imagine somebody actually walks with this handbag). I used wallpaper, painted an abstract landscape on it (its so good feeling to paint again!), covered it with wax varnish and sewed recycled sari silk yarn on it. Lining is made from linien. Hard work was to find out which kind of handles are suitable. Finally I find an old curtain rod. I fixed it with rivets and wire, and added some fimo beads and garnet chips, of course.
23 september, 2009
18 september, 2009
Here is piece of linen dyed with rust. I found this tutorial whrom Susan Stein`s book Fabric art workshop: Exploring Techniques & Materials for Fabric Artists & Quilters. One day I had to walk quite a long by the road and discovered many little "treasures" - I picked up all rusted metal things. Then I put these things between the wet fabric, added some vinegar and put all stuff to the plastic bag. Next day I washed out all vinegar and ironed fabric. And stitched. And stitched more. And will continue.
14 september, 2009
Neid Tyvekitükke on mul omajagu, ootavad oma hetke. Siin on üks neist saanud koti klapiks. Heegeldasin sel serva tamiiliga üle, seejärel lõngaga. Ja hakkasin teda passitama, et kuhu sobiks. Leidsin ühe aastate eest heidest heegeldatud ja vilditud riidetüki ning nad sobisid omavahel mu meelest väga hästi. Üheks kinniseks heegeldasin hüperbooli, mille keskele õmblesin filigraanhelme, koti pinnale tikkisin mõned messinghelmed. Kuidas see kompott tundub? Maitsev?
I have many artful pieces of Tyvek waitig the Right Moment to became Something. Here is one of them I used as a flap of handbag. First, I crocheted the edge of Tyvek with tamil and yarn. Then I found a piece of felt I made years ago and they matched very well. As a button there is a crocheted hyperbolic flower with filigree bead, and of course there are some brassbeads on surface. What do you think?
19 august, 2009
Sometimes I have a urgent need to stitch. Something extra needful:)
Lapse elus on see aeg, kui kõik nukud tuleb ilmtingimata alasti koorida. Jalutus- või poeskäigul ripuvad nad juukseidpidi nagu muuseas näpu otsas. Ei ole just väga meeldiv vaatepilt. Küll aga inspiratsioonikas:) Õmblesin ühe kõveriku nuku ja tikkisin "riided" selga (kes ütleb, et kuningas on alasti?)
My little daughter likes dolls, especially naked dolls. Usually (in shops or on streets) she holds them from hairs. And it is not much to look at. But I got inspiration to sew a doll with stitched clothes (who said king is naked?).
Aga niimoodi kõlkudes läheb ju meel mõruks:
But if you must hang all the time, its not a pleasure at all!
Sellises vanuses (3) tuleb seda nuttu ja jonni ikka ette, hetkega purskuvad krokodillipisarad, mis järgmisel momendil on kui peoga pühitud. Mõtlesin, et hea, kui on sarnane nukk, saab tujusid välja mängida.
Kids at 3 tend to be "little" moody, sometimes they cry and laugh almost same time. I thought it would be interesting and useful to her to play with two-sided "moody" doll.
21 juuni, 2009
pärlid pruudile/beads for bride
Here is one set of wedding jewellery I made.
11 juuni, 2009
Aga mu tõeline käsitöö on näha kõrvarõngaste taga, taustana - kuumapuhuriga 1000kordse pruuni värvi alt vabastatud laudpõrand. Hetkel veel lihvimata.
Here are two pairs of earrings. They are same kind as I made earlier also.
But a real handycraft is on the photos - backround. I took off all old and ugly colour from livingrooms floor. And still there is so much work to do...
26 mai, 2009
22 aprill, 2009
Kevadine poekott/Springlike grocery bag
I made a springlike bag with Tyvek leaves. I still like idea of it - bag as a little dress - but construction is wrong. After sewing leaves I tried to iron some adhesive fabric to backside but I shoult do it opposite - ironing first and then application. Then it could be correct. But anyway - its good enough to use as grocery bag.