I made a springlike bag with Tyvek leaves. I still like idea of it - bag as a little dress - but construction is wrong. After sewing leaves I tried to iron some adhesive fabric to backside but I shoult do it opposite - ironing first and then application. Then it could be correct. But anyway - its good enough to use as grocery bag.
22 aprill, 2009
Kevadine poekott/Springlike grocery bag
Tegin ühe kevadise koti, aplikatsiooniks õmblesin Tyvekist lehed. Idee meeldib mulle (kott nagu kleit), aga teostus läks metsa. Peale lehtede õmblemist üritasin riide tagumisele küljele liimiriiet triikida, et kott ikka vormis püsiks, kuid oleks pidanud tegema vastupidi - enne liimiriie ja siis lehed, siis poleks jäänud kortsu. Toidukotiks sobib küll.
I made a springlike bag with Tyvek leaves. I still like idea of it - bag as a little dress - but construction is wrong. After sewing leaves I tried to iron some adhesive fabric to backside but I shoult do it opposite - ironing first and then application. Then it could be correct. But anyway - its good enough to use as grocery bag.
I made a springlike bag with Tyvek leaves. I still like idea of it - bag as a little dress - but construction is wrong. After sewing leaves I tried to iron some adhesive fabric to backside but I shoult do it opposite - ironing first and then application. Then it could be correct. But anyway - its good enough to use as grocery bag.
Postituse kommentaarid (Atom)
3 kommentaari:
Ossa, see on täitsa lahe!
väga lahe idee tõesti!
mõnus näha erinevaid tyveki kasutamise võimalusi :)
Väga lahe kott ikkagi - see on see tegija liigne kriitika... kõrvalt piiludes näeb välja igati kaunis :)
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